

If we let Chang Sheng take a victory away from Camp Nou as if nothing had happened after what he said about Barcelona, it would be like slapping all the faces of Barcelona!

How can such a thing be tolerated? Chapter two hundred and twenty-four Two "dry" wars Lazio was disturbed by Barcelona fans in the middle of the night, and it soon became known throughout Europe. Unlike Barcelona, most other media criticize…


Just as he was distracted, Wang Ji, a lotus flower stuck strangely in his pike and stabbed him in the chest at a tricky angle.

In Hu Xiao’s mind, the warning signs sounded loudly, and he turned a pike in his hand. His unique combination greatly suppressed the offensive. The pike in his hand spun a pike spike and hit JI Wang. JI Wang eerie…


The continuity of the Suns’ offense was dragged down by O ‘Neal, but at this time Li Cheng seized the opportunity. He scored wildly and the Pacers finally overtook the score before the end of the third quarter.

In this quarter, Li Cheng scored 24 points in a crazier state than half-time, and the Pacers finally overtook the score. "Everyone had high expectations for a game, but the Celtics were in a mess and were easily beaten by…


JingLong emperor see reply was QiYe heard stared Tian Shun one eye.

Zhong Zhang, the main manager, didn’t serve Tian Shun in front of the saint at the moment. He was so scared that he quickly stepped back two steps and dared not move stiffly. Emperor Jinglong laughed in the name of…


Hody rubbed his sour legs and dragged the chain to Taotao. He stretched out his hand and tried the temperature on her forehead. He frowned her pulse and muttered, "Her body is so strange. At first glance, she is far stronger than ordinary people, but the spiritual teacher is very weak, like …"

Like a piece of glass full of cracks, it may break at any time. The girl’s body is hot and painful, and she has a high fever and nightmares. Hody pulled out some coats from her neck stone necklace and…


Seeing the half moon left in the sky, it shines brightly, and a powerful moon essence equivalent to a full moon night shoots blue moonlight from the sky like a rotating machete.

Behind his wings, he waved a fierce red mouth, and the refined essence of the moon was immediately swallowed up by him. His blood-red body was abruptly enlarged in a circle, and his eyes were cold and radiant, staring at…


Zhang Yunjie’s gentle tone is like a spring breeze, which can make people’s hearts smooth. Many Wang Jingwei’s temper is pressed. "Okay, let’s practice slowly today. Let’s get to the point. It’s your own business to say what you practice."

He took Shen Lin to dinner with him, and Zhang Yunjie watched her boyfriend leave. It’s a good thing to be crazy about the ball, but it’s better to be patient when taking people to practice. "Yan, don’t take it…


The skeleton ladder is already half the height of the city wall, which can make some arms with strong vertical jump ability rush to Chengtou.

Sure enough, the red figure appeared in the snow-white skeleton. The lowest level of the ghoul chaos corps is second only to the skeleton. The cost performance is very high. They can be transformed into all humanoid creatures. The attack…


"What do you mean?"

"Shirley’s parents had a very important project before her death, but Shirley’s return had to be restarted because of the death of the main staff." Jack Danny said, "But Gin seems to be interested in this project, so he frantically…