


一、活动主题:品味天津,共享茶香——天津茶艺鉴赏交流会 二、活动时间:XX年XX月XX日(星期六)上午9:00-下午17:00 三、活动地点:天津市XX茶文化博物馆/XX茶艺馆 四、活动对象:茶艺爱好者、茶文化研究者、茶企代表等 五、活动流程: 1. 9:00-9:30 签到入场,领取活动资料及茶艺品鉴品 2. 9:30-10:00 开幕式及领导致辞 3. 10:00-10:30 茶艺表演:展示天津特色茶艺,如“天津茶馆”茶艺表演等 4. 10:30-11:00 茶文化讲座:邀请茶文化专家讲解天津茶文化历史及特色 5. 11:00-12:00 茶艺品鉴:现场品鉴天津特色茶,如天津狗不理茶、天津碧螺春等 6. 12:00-13:00 午餐及休息 7. 13:00-14:00 茶艺表演:邀请知名茶艺师进行现场茶艺表演 8. 14:00-15:00 茶艺技艺交流:茶艺爱好者现场互动,交流茶艺心得 9. 15:00-15:30 茶艺品鉴:品鉴不同类型的茶叶,如红茶、绿茶、乌龙茶等 10. 15:30-16:00 茶艺展示:茶艺师现场展示茶艺技巧,如茶艺冲泡、茶艺表演等 11. 16:00-16:30 茶艺知识问答:现场互动,茶艺专家解答茶友疑问 12. 16:30-17:00…


"Huo Shao, alas!"

Zhang Jiaojiao’s foot is unstable, and the whole person is about to fall. Huo Yicheng consciousness to hold her. Zhang Jiaojiao eyebrows slightly raised conveniently to huo Yicheng arms. Huo Yicheng just wanted to loosen Zhang Jiaojiao and Zhang Jiaojiao…


"Lord, we don’t know."

Jade eyes flashing attitude stronger "guest officer, you don’t want to play in vain? A line has a line of rules. No one can break the rules. Get the gold. " Why do you want to blackmail him when he…


Specific matters are naturally handled by Xu Kun.

After lunch at Yunwu Villa, Ling Tianwu went to the Su’s group. It’s a pity that Sue elegant is still too busy to pay attention to Ling Tian. Regret Ling Tian and really want to dissolve the sea of clouds…


Auden smiled. "Brother, do you believe I can wake Han Er up?"

Auden’s words made Tuoli’s eyes shine. "If you can wake him up?" "Brother, it seems that you really care about Han Er!" Auden didn’t answer the question, but sneered. "Cut the crap! Answer quickly! " Auden chuckled, "I heard from…


The coordinates are Qin Yan. Let him come here to find them. You can look around the coordinates. There are no players around …

"What about you? Here I am, "Yang Ye asked, sending a message to Qin Yan. After waiting for a while, there came some urgent and tense sounds. "Ah, Sister Private Rain and I met a boss who was beaten by…


A listen to this Li Hao face fierce a bow to land night but bow to Yang Ye absolutely not! Li Hao immediately wanted to refute it, but was pulled by Li Gao and then shook his head at him.

Li Hao’s face was red, his chest was undulating, he exhaled breath, and his eyes were full of resentment and anger. I’m not going to go to Yang Ye to have a look at Li Hao’s appearance at this time,…


On the different from Li Dalong, if Li Dalong is bound to express indignation and dissatisfaction when he hears this, he will do something. However, on the special respect for his mother, he will never do anything that her mother doesn’t want.

When a mother’s heart is in her father’s heart, she will only show a sweet smile. Looking at her face, you can imagine how persistent her mother is about her father and how unforgettable her memories of the past are….


It’s obvious that they can be found in Gao. They must be powerful people with excellent vision.

Sure enough, a moment later, Yu Xin led more than a dozen players to appear in front of the Northern Suburb Bridge. The most terrible thing is that the other end of the bridge is wet and proud of the…